Well, maybe not too many I mean, what harm are they doing. But no doubt there are a lot. And now there is one more.
I Love Me I Love Me I Love Me
This is one of my favourite inspirational cards (from my deck of Life Cards). Which is why I painted it up all big and with more colours and some extra words. All the I love you bits at the end are because sometimes I need a little extra love to remind me ‘ah hello, could […]
Another Reason Why People Like Me Love America
Demetri Martin on WhoSay I discovered Demetri Martin the same day I came across Charles Bukowski. It was a good day and a good example of why people like me like to live in America. PS: In case any immigration officials read poetry, and have been following my blog when I say ‘live,’I mean in […]
How to Learn to Draw Good
Meet Ed my very patient teacher.
I Heart Bukowski
Just spent two hours in a cafe on Windward reading Bukowski and writing a poem about reading Bukowski. The picture above is from yesterday, when I wasn’t feeling so Bukowski.