A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article called Understanding and Lifting Depression, for the popular Tiny Buddha site. Eek, depression. Did I really want to talk about that?!! Well, yep – turns out I do! But it got me thinking about something that people say to me from time to time How do […]
If DOING NOTHING were a Pill it'd be Worth a Fortune!
It’s only by stepping briefly away from my wife and bosses and friends that I’ll have anything useful to bring to them. Pico Iyer This quote comes from an article published late last year in the NY Times. And can I just say… Aaaaaah, and… I agree, and … Of course I agree – it’s […]
Ah, And What Exactly is Life All About?
Before I left dear old New Zealand the other day, I met a dear friend for dinner. And we got to talking about just what is the point to all of this. Which is big stuff – and made for a cracking night! Now, I’ve got me some ideas on how to answer these questions. […]
Want To, Ah, Like Be My Friend?
I’d like to dedicate this post to the idea that we turf out our ‘Friends Rule Book.’ Goodbye rule book Goodbye expectations Hello kind and loving living!
A New Name For a Sort of New Blog
At last, after months of wracking my brains (see how I made that plural) I have a new name for my blog It’s also the name of my new program. (This blog used to be called ‘Art, Ideas & Inspiration, in case you’re completely confused as to what in the heck is going on’) Other […]
Been Thinking Really Hard About My Mind …
Well, not too much just enough to write a little E-book, and draw cartoons like this one about learning and change and how your mind doesn’t like any of it even though it pretends it does which is why we stay stuck sometimes holding onto old unhelpful beliefs. From, 7 Secrets Your Mind Doesn’t Want […]