One of my favorite things in the world is to solve a problem (yeah, yeah, challenge)
with some wacky completely perfect solution even though woah
no-one else has done it like this!
But here’s the thing. I used to study science.
A lot of science. (Nutritional Science).
And science-studying doesn’t teach you about original ideas and breakthroughs.
Not the kind that make you think holy cow – that’s brilliant!
Science training pretty much trains you to repeat stuff, and copy ideas
and if you asked me a question back then
I’d have needed a double blind placebo controlled trial to answer it.
So how do you get from science brain to creative brain?
Because you know what – any one who’s been through the stuffy old education system
is trained in the science brain model.
Here it is, the recipe for coming up with ‘Holy Cow Brilliant Ideas’:
1. You need to unlearn your ‘science brain’ habits, and then ….
2. Make space for your ‘creative brain’ to have some fun!!
I go into this in a lot more detail in my upcoming teleseminar series
The Altogether Easy Guide to Silence … but for now, consider this:
Most people when they have a problem look to what other people are doing to solve it? Nothing wrong with this, it’s a good place to start, but it’s not the only option.
You are the proud owner of the most AWESOME inbuilt guidance system. And one of the best and quickest ways to access it’s wisdom is to make some space for it. Just a little bit is all you need sometimes.
Space, like doing nothing.
Like doing what I did the other day
when I sat down with my white board, and a cup of tea
and wrote something like “alrighty, then, how shall we handle this?”
And then I sat back and didn’t think much except wow, I wonder
what’s going to show up. And then 10 minutes later,
I was the proud owner of a brilliant
albeit out of the box solution that was PERRRfect for me.
But probably not for anyone else.
Here’s to you and smoking good ideas!
PS: For more on this creativity and education business, check out Seth Godin’s book – Stop Stealing Dreams (FREE), or this classic TED talk by Ken Robinson on schools and creativity. It’s great. Funny too.