What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing blah de blah
The above text was a draft idea I’d scheduled for way way way into the future …
– a little pep talk I needed to give myself –
but then I forgot it about until now, when I see it’s been published.
Darn you auto-scheduler!
If you subscribe to this website, you will have received the post as it went out,
but if you’re just reading it, because you stumbled across it …
I am addicted to tea. Strong milky tea. And lots of it.
Or I was up until last Friday when I landed in hospital
with a kidney infection.

Every day last week my beloved said to me -“are you sure you don’t want to see a doctor?”
And all week I said “nah, I’ll be fine.”
But then late last Friday, I said, “yeah, you know what, I don’t think I am fine.”
So to the Santa Monica emergency room we went.
One hospital gown, some painkillers, an IV drip and 5 hours later
me and my beloved, who had to get up at 4.30am and was being very gracious about my not going earlier, were home.
And I haven’t had a cup since. Of tea.
Since that’s what the doctor said.
Okay so I had one cup. But, I’m pretty sure
I’ve learned my lesson about a lot of things.
Not that tea causes kidney infections,
it’s just hard on them once you have one.
But among other things I’ve learned about the serendipity of auto-scheduled blog posts
and how fun it is to let things ride how they are, you know – give an idea a little space.
And as for The Altogether Easy Guide to Kidney Infections … that would read something like, do something earlier – like UTI stage earlier. Although, I must say I’ve been heartened by the fact that just about every woman I know has done the “oh, I’ll be fine” thing, only to find themselves doubled over in pain stumbling into A&E.
(I’m in a chatty mood … does anyone want to stop me posting this? …. Anyone?)