Do you struggle with some kind of habit you’d like to break?
Do you over indulge in food or wine, or spend hours online? Do you compulsively shop or feel consumed by self doubt? Or do you do any one of a thousand other unwanted habits?
This week I talked to Dr Amy Johnson, author of The Little Book of Big Change: The No Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit (New Harbinger, Jan 2016), about her groundbreaking approach to breaking habits and addictions.
Gentle, wise and instantly reassuring, and using a mixture of neuroscience and spirituality, Amy walks us through what’s really behind our bad habit or addiction and how to stop it at source.
I read Amy’s book last year (I was lucky enough to get a pre sale copy) and I loved it! Watch the interview here:
Or listen to it here:
We talk about…
Why traditional methods often don’t work and can actually strengthen your habit.
Why you feel so hijacked, and what to do instead so your urges lessen over time
Why setbacks are normal and what to do if/when you have them.
Our own personal stories, successes and failures.
Plus lots more, including an unscheduled appearance by Amy’s super cute dog, Buddha, who had an urgent matter to attend to in the middle of our interview.
PLUS—A giveaway! 
We have 2 copies of The Little Book of Big Change to give away. (Thanks Amy)
To enter, simply write a comment below and you’ll go into the draw. We’ll pick two people at random. You can just say hi, or if you have a question for myself or Amy or a comment of any kind, pop that in.
We hope you enjoy the video:)
To order a copy of The Little Book of Big Change, click here.
Visit Dr Amy Johnson here.
Please share!
We received so much feedback about this interview, I asked Amy if she’d do a live call where you could call in and ask her questions. She said yes!
If you’d like to join Dr Amy Johnson and I in conversation in this FREE one hour Q&A call Tuesday 23rd February, 12pm PST. Sign up here.
And if you can’t make the call live, sign up anyway and we’ll send you the recording afterwards:)