I’d like to dedicate this post to the idea that we turf out our ‘Friends Rule Book.’ Goodbye rule book Goodbye expectations Hello kind and loving living!
The Real 'Not Usually Spoken About' Deal on Forgiveness
Here’s how people usually teach forgiveness: They start by telling you to go get a piece of paper or an entire legal pad, depending on how pissed-off at everyone you are. Then they say, sit down and write why everyone you’re mad at was such an asshole how this makes you feel, why you now […]
SPSS Eat My Gay American Shorts …
PS: SPSS is a stats program. Which I only know about since once upon a time I did stuff like that.
Just another pink poem on the topic of feminism …
… Since we’re talking about this whole feminism thing now. (This is actually interestingly intriguingly (ha ha) the first painted poem I ever did (as in the first time I painted a poem rather than just type it all up or scribble it out in a notepad) About two years ago. just popped right on […]
And for something totally different …
A couple of years ago I did a series of poems about feminism and I thought I was finished with all that but apparently not – since this one popped up last week. And then I went to MOCA yesterday (Museum of Contemporary Art) … which got me writing about it all over again. But […]