At last,
after months of wracking my brains (see how I made that plural)
I have a new name for my blog
It’s also the name of my new program.
(This blog used to be called ‘Art, Ideas & Inspiration, in case you’re completely confused as to what in the heck is going on’)
Other names I considered in the great ‘what shall I call this thing’:
So you think you’re messed up? That’s F’ing Stupid!!
What the F* is Wrong With You? Ah, Nothing?!
And yes, I realize the common denominator
is the F* word and some explanation marks.
You should write me an angry letter for even thinking of using
such sweary names.
I had one of those once.
(An angry letter, not a sweary name.)
How are you feeling?
Are you mad this post has no killer information?
No potentially life changing titbit*
No hilarious anecdote
No video clip with almost nothing to do with anything else
on the site
You should un-follow me. This is bad.
But also,
stay tuned because there’s a heap of stuff like that coming your way.
Starting with MY NEW BOOK
7 Secrets Your Mind Doesn’t Want You to Know
About How You Got in to this Mess and How the Heck to Get Out
It’s the first part of my Altogether Easy Guide to Life.
Here’s what the cover looks like
and here’s what I looked like putting the last few touches to it last week

You can download your own copy for FREE by clicking HERE
PS: * Titbit versus tidbit. There’s been considerable debate in my household this morning over which is the more correct version. We have a divided household – the American half thinks ‘oh geesus, you can’t say ‘titbit’, whereas the New Zealand half kind of likes it.