Check out our new book...
Whose Mind Is It Anyway? will help you learn how to separate what you want from what your brain wants and how to do less when your mind is trying to trick you into doing more.
In a colorful, funny, and nonthreatening way, it answers the difficult question of how we can take control of our self-defeating behaviors. Filled with charming illustrations, this book will be the friendly voice in your head to counter your negative thoughts, and it will teach you how to finally be at peace with all that you are.
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What people say ...
"It's difficult for me to put into words how much I love Whose Mind Is It Anyway? Lisa and Franco manage to share age-old truths about human life in an unbelievably creative, hilarious, and smart way. The truths they write about are deep and profound, and yet this book is fun, light, and entertaining. I couldn't more highly recommend it!"
Dr. Amy Johnson, author of Being Human and The Little Book of Big Change.
Whose Mind is it Anyway is a fun, charming and delightful book that carries a deep healing message for anyone wanting keys to life with ease and inner happiness. It is easy to read and will warm you heart. I will be recommending it to youngsters and adults alike.
Dr. Ken Manning, Licensed Psychologist and President of Insight Principles, Inc. Author of Invisible Power, Insight Principles at Work.
I love love love the book… I have shared it with 2 people at work already and we are planning on using it for our social and individual counseling sessions when we come back to school next year.
Rebecca Bittner, CSP Special Educator, North Harford Middle, Maryland.
It’s a quick read, but don’t let that fool you: Within seven short, fun chapters, Lisa and Franco have succinctly explained how we can not only find peace from our thoughts, but also be at peace with ourselves… I recommend keeping it somewhere you’ll see it often and flipping through the pages whenever you’re getting stuck in a web of thoughts.
Lori Deschene, Founder of Tiny Buddha and author of Tiny Buddha's Guide to Loving Yourself.
I absolutely love Whose Mind Is It Anyway? It's the perfect personal-growth book for those of us who are done with personal-growth books. So simple and whimsical and wise. It has charmed and delighted me into reimagining my approach to life. And it makes me smile every time I open it up.
Susan Isaacs, comedienne, speaker, and author of Angry Conversations With God
... a unique, creative, and effective handbook that both illustrates fundamental insights into human nature and sets a straight course for self-enlightenment and fulfillment. A great present not only for recent graduates but for anyone questioning their next step; the issues raised by the Esiles last for a lifetime, and the positive vibe they promote are needed at all stages and ages of life.
Nina Sankovitch, author of Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading
About the book

We are often told that we should listen to our minds—that reason and logic should be our guides to sort out our problems. What most of us don't realize is that our minds are often the problem, working against us in order to stick to the comfortable routines they're used to.
This charming little book will become the friendly voice in your head to counter the negative thoughts and help you recognize the most common ways your mind tries to trick you. It will teach you how to finally be at peace with all that you are.
This playful, unique and gorgeous guide takes self help to another level. It’s not only short—you could read it on the bus—it’s hilarious, and most importantly, it contains life changing insights that have never been taught in such a relatable, entertaining way, that you can immediately apply to your life.
And it's all done with two colors: purple and orange. Seriously, there's not even any black.
The 7 Insights
1. WISDOM – Your mind isn’t wise.
2. CALM—The calm is already within you.
3. CONTROL—You mind wants to control everything.
4. LEARNING—Your mind hates to learn.
5. PAIN—Your thoughts create your pain.
6. TEAMWORK—Life is easiest when your mind works in partnership with your heart.
7. ACCEPTANCE—Your mind thinks you're not good enough. You are.
Through the engaging tale of a girl and her mind, the book reveals 7 common but faulty beliefs that keep us feeling stuck and insecure. As she goes about her life—to the supermarket, to do laundry, to change the oil in her car and even to join the circus—the 7 insights transform how she see’s herself and the world. Which her mind doesn't always like!

Over 150 drawings, including dozens of gorgeous, inspirational pages

(About "WHOSE MIND" and Ebook predecessor)
I have been on a journey to beat depression for many years. I have read soooooo many things it's unbelievable but your little book is probably the best. I have sent it on to my counselor as I think it will help others there. —Tania
“I loved your book. I must confess I was expecting for another the-secret-positive-thinking-magic-method stuff but fortunately this was absolutely different... and stunning! (Only thing I regret is not having found this a couple of years before.)” —Alexandra
Things have been hard for a long time. Your book made an impact, particularly the ‘calm’ part. I suddenly became very calm. Very odd experience for me. Thank you.” —Sares
I didn't know what I was in for. I assumed it would be inspiring, but more of the same (sorry). I expected to read, and understand, but not FEEL the wisdom. I was wrong, though! Your lovely creation has caused something to shift inside of me. It's difficult to express my experience. Your words have become a part of me, and I will carry them with me forever!” —Sarah
Going through a painful time and not sure what to do to feel better?